As you may know, a film about Pope Francis will be coming out shortly, titled, Francesco. In this film, the Pope, for genuine pastoral motives, states the view that homosexuals living together should be afforded the status of legalized civil unions. This has caused quite a bit of confusion and unrest.
Let's remember that these comments are the personal views the Pope is expresing and do not represent authentic Church teaching. Church teaching comes to us, as you know, through Council documents, Papal Encylicals and various other types of documents, such as Motu Propio's. Hence, the views expressed by the Pope in this film are non-binding on the Catholic conscience. However, let's also remember that as the Vicar of Christ on earth Pope Francis' views should be respectfully considered by every Catholic, even while we at the same time also acknowledge that these views are not specifically binding on Catholics.
As Cardinal Gerhard Muller explains, "The Christian believes in God as the first truth and recognizes the Pope and the bishops as successors of St. Peter and the other Apostles. . . . Where there is tension between the plain and obvious Word of God and the infallible interpretation on the one hand and private expressions of opinion even by the highest church authorities on the other, the principle always applies: in dubio pro DEO [When in doubt, be in favor of God]. . . .The present statement [of Pope Francis] is a purely private expression of opinion, which every Catholic can . . . freely contradict. "
To familiarize yourself with Church teaching on these mattters, I recommend that you consult either the Catholic Catechism of the Church, or the Document issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in 2003 by then, Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI on this very theme. We have linked to it below for your convenience. This document represents prevailing Catholic Church teaching on the subject of legalizing civil unions.
As we form our consciences on this issue, let's also remember that Pope Francis, while expressing pastoral concern for homosexuals, has made it abundantly clear, to Bishops and laity alike, that the Church must always preserve the sanctity of marriage, teaching as She always has that marriage is something restricted to the union of a man and woman alone.
Fr. Orsi has written a commentary on our Holy Father's recent remarks concerning homosexual unions that I find helpful. I've included a link below:
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